Hi, my name is Antoinette and I look forward toĀ helpingĀ you achieve your health and wellness goals so you can live your most vibrant life.

AsĀ a child I was always fascinated with biology and how organisms worked. I dreamt of becoming a Veterinarian, that didn't quiteĀ pan out so I decided to pursue a career with infinitively more complex mammals instead that being human beings!.
In 2004, I graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing Degree from NUI Galway. I initially commenced work in the private sector as a Staff Nurse in a Care of the Elderly facility and after two very busy and happy years, I returned to the acute sector as I had gained employment in an Orthopedic Specialty. I then commenced working in the Orthopaedic Ward in Mayo General Hospital.
Life changed in 2010 when I began to feel unwell. I was tired All the time and experienced poor memory, brain fog and poor cognition. Even after long periods of rest, I was overcome with exhaustion and unable to retain information. One night I awoke with heart palpitations and a racing heart so I attended A&E where I was eventually commenced on medication including Sodium Channel blockers, and Thyroid hormones in order to help control my symptoms.
As the medications caused some unpleasant side effects, I felt I was left with no choice but to discontinue them. This is how I really came to appreciate naturopathy and explore self healing.
Embarking on this new approach to health I gradually began to recover from illness and it ignited a love of nature in me which compelled me to complete many courses including a Certificate in Nutrition (Nutrition for Everyday Living, College of Naturopathic Medicine, 2013), followed by a Diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition (CNM Galway 2016), in order to integrate more healing in the body at our clinic we combine a 3000yr old system of Medicine with modern day cutting edge technology in the form of Red light and Infra Red light therapy.
IĀ felt driven to study Colonic Hydrotherapy after personally experiencing the healing and therapeutic benefits it brings to the body. Flushing out the colons old waste matter restores balance to the body and improves tone, function and peristalsis. In fact it challenges the body to work for itself!
At Iarthar, I work with clients to educate and empower. By providing a deeply therapeutic intervention I hope that they leave feeling informed, and in touch with their own bodies. I encourage anyone who suffers from conditions such as bloating, flatulence, constipation, heartburn, colitis and Irritable bowel syndrome to give Colonic Irrigation a go and see the wonderful benefits it can bring to your body!
Looking forward to seeing you soon.

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